Schedule of Dilapidations

Who Instructs a Schedule of Dilapidations?

Our team of Chartered Building Surveyors are specialists in dealing with all aspects of dilapidations claims.

A Schedule of Dilapidations is normally prepared on behalf of the Landlord when a Tenant’s lease on a commercial property is coming to an end (Terminal Schedule) or during the term (Interim Schedule) when a Break Notice is exercised.

The purpose of the Schedule is to ensure that the Landlord suffers no loss due to breaches or actions of the Tenant at the end of, or during the term of the lease.

The Schedule of Dilapidations will include details of breaches to the lease, the remedial works and course of action needed to remedy this, required together with costs in order to bring the building back to the original condition. It is for this reason, we would always advise you obtain a Schedule of Condition prior to lease commencement.

At Dunham Hale Surveyors, our Chartered Building Surveyors act on behalf of commercial Landlords. Operating from our main offices in Altrincham, South Manchester we prepare Schedules of Dilapidation to all locations through the UK.

We advise you read our section on Schedules of Condition surveys HERE

I'm the Tenant, what do I need to do?

Our Schedules of Dilapidations are prepared in accordance with the current RICS Guidance Note and the PLA Dilapidations Pre-Action Protocol.

We are also specialists in acting on behalf of outgoing Tenants assisting them to defend dilapidations claims and negotiating with the Landlord’s surveyor on the agreement of a dilapidations settlement. We are fully aware of all defences that may be available to a Tenant in reducing a claim, adept at negotiating full and final monetary settlements and able to provide tactical advice in terms of an exit strategy from a premises.

We can also review leases, inspect property and prepare a specialist report / pre-lease assessment for a Tenant prior to their lease end, to establish their potential dilapidations liability, so that the Tenant can budget and plan accordingly, and undertake works to reduce dilapidations liability prior to the end of their occupation.

Whilst a Schedule of Dilapidations is normally instructed by the Landlord, for his/her protection, there is no onus on them to protect the tenant. In order to help protect the tenant, a Schedule of Condition is needed at the start of a lease term, to record the condition of the property at the outset to provide the Tenant with as much protection as possible and to minimise any future claims through the Schedule of Dilapidations process.

At Dunham Hale Surveyors, we are experienced in Dilapidations and can advise on all aspects pertaining to this complex area. If you would like anymore information, please GET IN TOUCH with us.


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